Speed Optimization for a Craft CMS site REMOTECONTRACT

Job Description


I'm looking for a seasoned Craft CMS developer to help optimize the speed of one of my site (on Craft 5). My knowledge is limited in this field so I'll take anyone who is obsessed with speed optimization in any possible way.

The job would be separated in three parts: analyze, suggest, optimize. Depending on the issues at hand and the complexity of the task, this would either be a consulting job where you explain me what to do, or a hands-on job if things are too complex for me to handle.

Disclaimer: it's an adult site.

Salary or Other Compensation

Please provide your hourly rate for this job.

How to Apply

Your experience with Craft and anything of use for this project.

Contact Info

  • Location: France
  • Email Address:
  Posted April 25, 2024